Because life is so fragile -

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Because life is so fragile

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Some writings speak of a high suicide rate among those affected. Suffering from this illness myself, I can perfectly understand. Our life is completely turned upside down. We are at the mercy of our flares. We have difficulty walking.

Going outside is a feat for me because I expose myself to the sun and temperature differences. When someone approaches me, I am always afraid that they will accidentally hit my foot or squeeze my hand too hard. One time my hand was so swollen that I could barely hold my fork.

I admit that I often had dark thoughts in the worst of my days. But, I went to get help and it did me a lot of good.

Talk about it with a member of your family, a friend, a social worker, a psychologist, a doctor. Walling in silence is not a solution. Here are some references to help you:

Canada suicide supportline

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